I’ve have been moderating communities as a premium service for a while now, the last few months I’ve observed some interesting things that I’ve seen a thousands times. OR it seems like I’ve seen them a thousand times yet they never hit home like they have recently.

It’s partly because of the political and racial climate but some is in-fighting. I’ve paid particular attention to a creative who is prone to throw stones and hide their hand.

Of course there’s nothing new about that. People have done that as long as people have existed I’m sure. I’ve watched this creative do it several times and I recognize the spirit behind it. I expected the apology after the damage was done and the creative didn’t disappoint.

In true narcissistic fashion they:
1-Got emotional
2-Threw stones
3-Hide their hand
4-Became the victim
5- Rallied others to join in
6- Said a partial “I’m sorry” and deflected
7-Business as usual

I’ve seen this type of narcissistic behavior many times and can tell the plays that are coming before they even happen–in fact I did.
I knew exactly what the creative was going to do before they did it . How? It’s not difficult to know the patterns of a narcissist once you been around one. They are pretty predictable.

What really grasped my attention was the “in your face” and unrepentant way the creative did what they did. It’s not new to me to see an addiction to drama. I’ve seen it up close and person to the point it drove the person into depression and mental anguish, I know it when I see it.

But this was painful to watch.
What made it more painful than normal is PEACE was offered and the Creative declined it in favor of drama.

When will we heal of our painful past that makes us crave drama and be self destructive?
At the same time I realize we can’t always see ourselves and as it goes with narcissist it’s always the other person that is the offender-ALWAYS. Maybe the creative doesn’t have a clue that they are addicted to drama. People who have narcissistic bends (even if not diagnosed) tend to lie to themselves so much they believe what they are saying is true.

It makes me wonder if there is something going on (or actually NOT going on) in our hearts that makes us hurt people and feel nothing. No empathy, no compassion. Nothing. Just I’m going to hurt you because I’m hurting. I don’t care about your peace this means WAR!
What happens in our heads and hearts when we are presented with an opportunity for peace and decline it in favor of drama?
Think about it and let me know.
